AWC Counselling is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation which means it operates as both a charity and as a company. The Board members are therefore both Trustees and Directors at the same time. As AWC Counselling developed out of a merger, it has a developing Board.

There are currently 4 Board members.

The Chairperson is Charles Dobson, formerly the Chairperson of Versa Org Ltd from which the CIO grew.

The Company Secretary is not a Board member. Laura Brown, Service Manager, carries out this role in support of the Board as part of her employment duties.

The Board has 3 members – Jenny Hall, Janet Pickles and Karen Bleasby who is the Interim Treasurer and recruitment is underway for additional Board members.

Charles Dobson


Charles has recently retired from the Department of Health, where he worked both as an operational researcher and, more recently, in general policy analysis...

Jenny Hall


Jenny brings the charity experience in establishing, developing and managing counselling services. Most of her work as manager, clinical lead and therapist, has been in the N.H.S....

Janet Pickles

Janet hopes to bring common sense, drive, enthusiasm and the benefit of her acquired business skills to the charity.